From Oxbridge Success and Madagascar Trips to Zumba Classes and Hugging Trees – Find Out What Really Goes On In Britain’s Top Schools!

From Oxbridge Success and Madagascar Trips to Zumba Classes and Hugging Trees – Find Out What Really Goes On In Britain’s Top Schools!


Mainstream school information resources can be generic and overly saccharine.


We have come to notice that there is a disconnect between the way schools are portrayed publicly / to prospective parents and the experiences students actually go on to have at the schools.


Schools are often described in terms of their academic performance, the strength of their pastoral support network and in terms of their facilities. From this, parents might feel they can reliably predict how their children will fare at a given school, yet a piece of the puzzle must be missing by the fact that a sample of students from a school will report significantly varying experiences and emotions.


We, therefore, thought it would be a useful endeavour to put together a collection of honest school reviews from the perspective of alumni.


We have asked our tutors, all of whom were high achievers at their respective schools, to discuss openly about their schools. We probed students’ best and worst aspects of school life, the religiosity of their school, the ethos, the punishments and much more.


These reviews provide an honest and unbiased ‘insider’s take’ on life at a given school, and can hopefully be a useful information resource to supplement the more mainstream information available online and via open days.


If you have any schools you would like to see included on or list, or any questions you’d like us to ask our tutors, please let us know.


Thank you,

The Athena Team