The unprecedented surge in the coronavirus brought the world to a standstill. However, the situation is now easing with the development and deployment of vaccines against the pandemic - 46.7% of people have already received at least one dose. The public places, markets, schools, and...

Good Daytime,What is language? How does it evolve? Is communication possible without language? Well this book recommendation would be RUBBISH without language, that’s for sure.This is the 4th instalment in our book recommendation series. If you haven’t guessed already, it concerns Linguistics.Enjoy! The Story of...

Round 3. Welcome!We are Biology. We rely on Biology. Here are a range of resources for those considering studying this world-changing subject at university.We hope you find the resource useful. We will be uploading a new blog covering a different subject each week. The Greatest...

The great British summer is finally here, and while everybody should enjoy the sunshine while it lasts, this is also an excellent opportunity to add to your CV and increase your future employment prospects.You may not be looking for a job until next summer or...

Students!This is the first entry in a series of undergraduate reading recommendations.We asked our top tutors to recommend books and articles they either found useful when preparing for university admissions, or they realise would have been useful to explore, with hindsight.These books aren’t just appropriate...

Athena’s new state-school Oxbridge mentoring programme got off to a flying start with 40% of participants gaining an offer to study at one of the prestigious institutions. This represents an increase of almost 100% compared to the national average offer rate for the universities (20.6%).Athena...

Most independent schools will only offer an international student a place if they have a UK-based guardian. The guardian will act as your representative and support your child while they are in the UK.Beyond the school requirement, there are plenty of reasons why international students...