Name: Luke
Secondary school: Ripon Grammar School 2005-2012
University destination: University of Cambridge, Economics
- What is your first memory starting your school?
Long division.
- What is your best memory from your school?
Coming top of the year at GCSE.
- What is one thing you would like to change about your school?
More academic clubs.
- Any fancy traditions?
- How was the academic support?
Strong, though very curriculum focused.
- Is your school a religious school?
Somewhat Christian.
- What was your favourite co-curricular achievement while at your school?
Helping to build an electric racing cart.
- How much emphasis is placed on Oxbridge as a university destination?
A strong focus.
- Do you keep in touch with the school, now you have left?
- Did you ever have a detention at your school?
Yes, but just once!
- What are the pastoral support options?
There wasn’t much at the time.
- Bonus: If you had to summarise your school in 3 words, what would they be?
Competitive, entrepreneurial, sporty.