Athena Tuition’s English tutors are available across London to students of all ages and abilities. Whether it’s for the 7 plus or a university application, we help you achieve your ideal grades in preparation for your next academic step.
Get in touch today to discuss your new tutor.
Our English tutors work with students at all levels, but the most popular tutoring needs are for:
All English tutors assigned by Athena Tuition have a wealth of experience in teaching the current curriculum. They are also naturally passionate about the subject and skilled in sharing the complexities of it in an accessible and approachable manner.
The study of the English Language is crucial to the development of a wide range of skills. These skills will benefit students throughout their lives, whether it be in terms of their employability, their ability to connect to others, or their further studies.
Students learning under Athena Tutors will learn all elements of the English Language, including rules of grammar, punctuation, and the structure of writing pertaining to their skill level and goals.
Additionally, students will be encouraged to understand how to write according to different genres, how to target audiences, and how writing can be persuasive, powerful, informative, and creative.
The study of English Literature does not simply concern reading texts. Students will improve their analytical and communication skills. They will also improve their understanding of – and ability to confidently discuss – history, culture, philosophy, and society.
Our passionate, highly experienced tutors work closely with students, offering bespoke English tuition to ensure that they are getting all that they can from English Literature.
Our English tutors also encourage a deeper enjoyment of this subject and urge students to look beyond the ‘rules’ to discover the joy of utilising all that the English Language has to offer.
Whether you are studying Shakespeare at GCSE, literary theories at University, or Dickens at A level, our tutors will be able to guide you and provide expert assistance that specifically targets the areas that each student is struggling with.
Just call 0208 133 6284 or email us from the contact form below to discuss how we can help.
English tuition costs may vary depending on tutor rates and other variables, such as:
Athena does not charge an up-front registration fee before lessons take place. Costs are also built around the requirements of the tutoring and tailored to each student. Contact Athena Tuition directly to acquire exact quotes.
Athena currently has 100 English Tutors in London available to support you.
Alongside in-person, group, and one-to-one tutoring, our English tutors also offer online tuition as requested.
To speak to an English tutor and arrange regular tuition sessions, simply contact Athena Tuition today, and we’ll find the right tutor for you or your young one.
At Athena Tuition, we perform the most stringent of checks to ensure that our tutors are of the highest quality and standard.
Alongside full Academic background and DBS checks, each of our English tutors is interviewed to assess their ability. Two written references are also required for each tutor.