Many top independent schools now include an interview as a component of their admissions process. These can greatly vary with the school; some are cocurricular and pastoral in focus, whereas others have a significant academic emphasis.
Our Athena Insights service offers a thorough and friendly interview assessment for Year 5 and 6 students.
Our aim is to give students a taste of the interview format and provide comprehensive feedback to the student and their parents, sufficiently in advance of upcoming 11+ / 13+ admissions assessments to allow time for the students to improve any weak areas and build their confidence.
We take into account the desired schools in order to tailor our interviews to address the areas that are most relevant for the candidate.
Our interview mentorship service can be utilised, either after the initial assessment or as a stand alone service.
Our interview mentors aim to help children get used to the interview situation by offering practice and giving advice. We do not believe in coaching or scripting children for interviews. Instead, we help children grow accustomed to handling open-ended questions, encourage them to vocalise their thought process, as well as hopefully reducing their anxiety by exposing them to many different scenarios. From our experience, the more familiar a child is with the interview setting, the more they are able to give an accurate impression of themselves.
OurĀ Honest School Reviews page may be a useful resource when deciding which schools to apply for.
Our academic tuition and mental wellbeing services can also be called upon do address any shortcomings highlighted by our assessment. Our intention is that a student can walk into his or her interview knowing they have been supported in every aspect, with no stone left unturned.
Just call 0208 133 6284 or get in touch with the contact form below to discuss how we can help.