London-based Maths Tutors for all levels

Our experienced Maths tutors are available to work with and support students at all levels, helping them to pass their exams and coursework as required. Contact us today to get started.

Find a maths tutor today

Maths Tuition made easy


At Athena Tuition, you can find a tutor in 3 easy steps:

  1. Call or email us with any questions you have.

2. We’ll chat with you and find out the details of what you need and suggest a price to find a great tutor.

3. We’ll put them in touch with you and you can organise sessions directly – we want the process to be as simple for you as possible!

What maths tutoring services are available?


Our mathematics tutors work with students at all levels, but the most popular tutoring needs are for:


  • 7+ Maths Entrance Exams
  • 11+ Maths Entrance Exams
  • 13+ Maths Entrance Exams
  • KS3
  • GCSE
  • A-Levels
  • STEP Cambridge admissions


We ensure that any provided maths tutor is experienced in teaching the current curriculum, able to convey maths at a level which the student will understand, and is inherently passionate about the subject.


Develop your maths skills with us


Maths is a compulsory subject until students are 16, and it is therefore crucial that students feel as comfortable and confident as they can with it, and learn to enjoy this vital subject.


Some students’ multiplication or division skills are weak, while others struggle with calculus.


If a student doesn’t understand the basics comfortably, they may struggle with other maths functions like fractions, decimals, algebra, and so on. With this subject, above many others, more complex ideas build on simpler ones.


At Athena Tuition, our experienced maths tutors start from the basics to improve students’ confidence, study skills, and ultimately their grades in maths.


We offer maths tutors based on each student’s learning style, personality and individual needs. Our maths tutors work hard to fill in fundamental gaps and help you understand current concepts in the curriculum.


So whether you are a struggling student who is looking for a boost, or a high-performing student looking for top results, Athena tuition is right here for you!


Just call 0208 133 6284 or email us from the contact form below to discuss how we can help.



    How much does Maths Tuition cost in London?

    Maths tuition costs may vary depending on tutor rates and other variables, such as:


    • If your lessons are online or in-person
    • How many lessons do you want to take
    • How long do you want each lesson to be
    • What you want to achieve through your tutoring
    • How experienced your maths tutor is


    Athena does not charge an up-front registration fee before lessons take place. Costs are also built around the requirements of the tutoring and tailored to each student. As such, contacting Athena Tuition directly is the best way to acquire exact quotes.

    How many private maths tutors are available in London?

    Athena currently has 100 Maths Tutors in London available to support you.

    Can I get Maths tuition online?

    Yes, many of our tutors offer online maths tuition services, either exclusively or alongside in-person, group, and one-to-one tutoring.

    How do I get a Maths tutor in London?

    To gain expert support from one of our Maths tutors, simply fill out one of our forms, and we’ll be in touch with a tutor that best suits your needs.

    How are Maths tutors verified?

    At Athena Tuition, we perform the most stringent of checks to ensure that our tutors are of the highest quality and standard. 


    Alongside full Academic background and DBS checks, each of our tutors is interviewed to assess their ability. Two written references are also required for each tutor.